Burglaries happen everywhere in the world. In North America, for example, it happens once every 18 seconds. It implies that if you have not invested in a decent home security system, then you could be a target in every passing eighteen seconds. But if you think this is surprising, here are a few more facts and statistics that will leave you with your mouth wide open:
Burglars avoid home with security systems
Of course, they don’t want to be caught and this is one of the reasons you need to install a reliable home security system. Over 80% of convicted burglars admitted that it was the presence of a security system that made them target other homes.
The prime time for burglars is between 10 am and 3 pm
If you thought they would come at night, then you are wrong. Most burglaries take place between 10 am and 3 pm. This is because these are the times when most people are at work or school and homes are most vulnerable. But you could easily avoid this by installing outdoor and indoor motion activated cameras so that you can keep an eye at your home at all times.
Majority of break-ins are by burglars from the same neighborhood
Most burglars reside within two miles of their target homes. Since they live closer to their targets, they can easily monitor the movements of the family and know when they are not around so that they can strike. They may also check to see if you are on vacation by looking observing if trash cans are left on the curb, flyers on the door or un-mowed lawns.
Most burglars need less than ten minutes to burglarize homes
For most burglars, they need less than 10 minutes to do the job. But you can make it difficult for them by strengthening your home’s defense so that it takes them some time to gain access, during which it could be possible that they can be spotted and an alarm raised.