How to Use or Upgrade an Existing Alarm Home System

Every homeowner wants to have their home security systems working at their best at all times. This is the only way they can be guaranteed around-the-clock protection for their homes. With the home security industry evolving at a fast pace, new technologies come out almost every single day, and there is always the desire by some owners to upgrade to the most recent system in a bid to ensure that their homes remain the safest.

Indeed, it is a good thing to have the latest system working for you, but how do you know if it is time to make the upgrade?  Before delving into the specifics on how to upgrade an existing home security system, here are some of the reasons why you may want to consider the upgrade:

  • If you are using an old system and you desire to automate the entire system for more security and convenience.
  • You want to be able to control and customize settings remotely using smart devices.
  • If you are using an old system that relies on a landline connection, but you want to change to a modern one which doesn’t necessarily need a landline to work.
  • When you need video surveillance for deliveries, child care, elder care, or for checking on your pets.

Upgrading the Existing System

If you feel that you have reasons sufficient enough to warrant an upgrade on your current home security system, the best route to take is to seek the services of reliable home security systems experts for a thorough audit of your current system. They will give their professional opinion about your concerns and need to upgrade, and they will also advise on the deficiencies of the current system, and how an upgrade would make it better. However, if you feel confident that you can do the upgrade on your own without any professional help, then here is how you should go about it-:

Examine the Current System

The first step towards upgrading your home alarm system is to examine the current system and know exactly what changes you want. Some of the concerns you should have at this point is if you are using an outdated system which uses a landline.

Perhaps you want to update the programing of the cameras, so that instead of working on zones, they are updated so that each camera can work on its own. These, and many other system components need to be investigated so that you have a very clear picture of what you will be upgrading.   If you don’t want to overhaul the entire system, you may install a completely new system from what you currently have.

Install a New Panel Board

One of the simplest way to upgrade your home security system without worrying about replacing all the components is to focus on the panel board. The panel board is the heartbeat of the entire security system, and by replacing the old one with a newer model, you will be turbocharging your system with greater capabilities that will translate into enhanced security for your home.

If you are currently running on an digital system that doesn’t allow remote control using smart phones or other mobile devices, all you have to do is install a smart panel board which comes with smart apps that can be easily integrated with your mobile devices for ease of control.

If you are worried about compatibility issues when installing a new panel board without updating anything else, just keep in mind that most of the panel boards will work just fine provided that the components are no more than two decades old.

Consider Wireless Monitoring

Wireless monitoring is one of the greatest allures for upgrading home security systems. It is for this reason that millions upon millions of homeowners are ditching cheap alarm monitoring systems and going for wireless home alarm systems that allow them the convenience and versatility to monitor their homes remotely. It is satisfying for many homeowners to know that they can see what is happening inside and around their homes at any given time – thanks to wireless monitoring.

Therefore, this is the other kind of upgrade you may consider for your current home security system. Most of the old systems will not have this ability, but the recent technological advancements in the industry have eliminated the need for telephone lines, and instead use wireless signals for monitoring. It is efficient, convenient, and also very secure since there are no danger of burglars tampering with the channels.

Change the Keypad

Sometimes all you need to give your home security a facelift is a new keypad. You don’t have to contend with the old clunky pads with buttons that have become resistant to every punch you have to make. With the keypads available in the market today, you can get classy and extremely functional ones, including those with touch screens that have additional features such as date, time, and weather forecasts.

Install Smart Home Features to your Current Security System

The allure of smart home features can’t be resisted as far as home security is concerned. In fact, a good way to upgrade your current home security system is to consider investing in a few smart features for extra convenience and security.

For example, you can begin by swapping the old panel with a wireless, replacing the old keypad that relied on buttons with a new one that has a touch screen. You can also consider installing smart components such as smoke detectors, motion detectors, glass break detectors and much more to ensure that your home is well secured. Such upgrades may seem to be small, but they will do a great job in overhauling your entire home security system and converting it into a new one.