Why Alarm Systems Are a Necessity

If you ever thought purchasing an alarm system was a waste of time and money, we have a number of facts for you to chew on. These numbers are based on data collected in the U.S.

Here are the facts about fire and carbon monoxide:

  1. A house fire is reported every 20 seconds.
  2. House fires are the third-leading cause death in the home.
  3. Each year more people are killed in the U.S. by fire than all natural disasters combined.
  4. Close to 39 per cent of house fires and 52 per cent residential deaths from fires occur in homes without smoke alarms.
  5. Nearly 67 per cent of deaths from home fires between 2005 and 2009 were the result of fires in homes without smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
  6. Carbon monoxide poisoning causes about 400 deaths and close to 20,000 emergency room visits each year. Carbon monoxide is often referred to as an invisible killer because it is odourless and colourless and is absorbed by the body more quickly than oxygen.

Here the facts about break-ins:

  1. A home robbery is reported every 14.5 seconds.
  2. 70 per of all burglaries occur in residential homes.
  3. Most break-ins occur between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when most people are at work.
  4. Most thieves break into the home by the front door, back door and first floor windows.
  5. In 60 per cent of reported burglaries, someone was at home. 6. Only 13 per cent of break-ins are solved by police and only 15 per cent of stolen property is ever recovered.